Goal Achievement Webinar
January 14, 2022
9:30-10:30am PST

A free webinar that everyone could use...
A free one-hour webinar that will help you make your dreams become a reality.
This webinar is perfect for you if...
You want to control your future and the ability to live your best life
You want to achieve a great work/life balance
You want to reduce stress in your life
Why Impact Sales Coach and Coach Dave?
Impact Sales Coach brings over 35 years of sales experience and expertise to the table. While most courses don't include one-on-one coaching, here at ISC we believe that a course like this should include personal coaching. Through our personalized mentoring program you will be able to implement the techniques and tactics successfully that will get you to the next level in your sales career.
Coach Dave believes that people do business with people. Therefore, the job of a salesperson is to develop a relationship with clients, one that is built on trust and caring. “Putting the customer’s needs to achieve success above the salesperson’s need to make a sale. This is the value a sales professional brings to an organization and that’s the value that drives a coach to grow rainmakers.”

What you'll learn in this webinar...In Just ONE hour...
Module One: Identify Areas of Focus
Module Two: Identifying Specific Goals
Module Three: How to Organize Your Ideas
Module Four: Validating Your Ideas
Module Five: Turn Ideas into Tangible Goals
Module Six: Getting S.M.A.R.T.
Module Seven: Your Accountability Team
Module Eight: Laying Out Your Plan
We want to give you more! Bonuses just for those who attend.
Each registrant is automatically entered in a giveaway for a
FREE Coffee with Coach 3-Session Package
A Value of $485
50% off our regular Coffee with Coach 3 session package
Goal Achievement sessions for your very own
“accountability” coach
Access to the webinar recording for 90 days…
So you can listen
again and again
An Easy-to-Use Goal Achievement Template
Testimonials from Past Participants
"ISC's webinar really gave me a clear view of how to properly lay out my goals for my business. This has always been a struggle of mine. But putting their ideas in place helped me get a much clearer vision!"
- Roy Belzer, Roy Belzer Fitness
"This webinar is a fantastic reminder of the importance of going after the significant things in your life. My biggest takeaway was the great goal setting process."
- Evan Schinkel, Superior Projects

The Details​
Anyone or everyone with dreams and ambitions!
Friday, January 14, 2022
9:30-10:30 am PST
Why this course
Preparation for the 2022 year!
To start making your goals and how to achieve them successfully.
People who set their goals for 2021 - had a plan in writing, were prepared, were able to
“pivot” their direction, and open new options to achieve success.
This webinar will help you find the direction, discover your purpose and overcome procrastination.
This webinar will give you "laser sharp focus" on what’s important
This webinar will lead to better time management, so you will have more time for family and business.